I'm really sorry for this late news, but I'm typing this down as I'm reading the news here! Hihi, I apologize for my late reminder and notice, but Rick Riordan is actually publishing a whole new series based on Norse mythology (i.e. Thor, Loki, Odin, etc.)!!! It was announced some time three months ago, which is why I was apologizing. But yes, a new series called Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard.
You're probably wondering, Hmm, 'Chase' sounds really familiar... And yes, you're probably right, the main character to this new Riordan series is our very Annabeth Chase's UNCLE, Magnus Chase!
So... something to look forward to, 'cause there might be just be some cheesy crossovers somehow.. ?
Another thing, if you guys have already bought the last and final book to the Heroes of Olympus series, Blood of Olympus, know that there is some kind of sneak preview on the new series. How much, I'm not sure, but it is there.
And yeah, Blood of Olympus!!! I haven't bought it yet, but I'm buying it as soon as it hits the bookstore, so... YAY!
To you guys who've already bought it... hmph, I envy you. >_<
Haha, okay now, this is all I have for this post. But stay updated for more book reviews coming up soon!
*Rick, you never fail to surprise us.