Welcome to the Community!

Hey!! Look who's scrolled down to check the welcome text. I'll give a short welcome to you guys, and a couple of 'thank you' s for whatever button you clicked to have ended up here in this little blog of mine. It's nothing professional, but it surely is special! Not for you maybe, but just for your information I've wasted precious time just to make the blog appear decent and pretty in my opinion - not to mention all of the posts you see here! So don't judge before you actually look into things!
I've added a couple of pages just to organize all the things I have in this blog so that you guys have a better time of searching things up rather than having every post of different topics all jumbled up in one single home page.
Yeah, I think I'm done with my welcome text. Without further ado, welcome to my little blog of thoughts.

*You really didn't need to finish everything to start reading stuff here, but I appreciate it if you have. :)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sneak Peek Into Queen of Shadows!

I know I posted a similar post just a few days ago, and now I'm posting another one? Wha..? You may wonder if I have already gone insane due to this book not already in my possession, and you may be close to the truth... but nah. This post is different, because instead of just three chapters, I present to you a FIVE-chapter extract from Queen of Shadows! Yay me!

I was supposed to post this several days ago. And now I'm too late. Or not. Like they say, "better late than never", right?

I know a lot of you may have already gotten the book, and could have possibly finished it already... But I am still posting this five-chapter excerpt link on here. For those who have yet to buy the lovely fourth book to the amazing Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas... the link will be down below. It is in PDF form, so it would be so much easier to read in that form rather than copy and pasted in a blog post.

*drum roll*....


There you go! Read up to the fifth chapter, then suffer the agony of not being able to continue reading. MUAHAHA.

I know, I'm just nice that way.

And like always... a wallpaper to celebrate the release of this highly-anticipated fourth book of the Throne of Glass series:

photo credits to ayuceres.wix.com

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